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How can Vicudu tell you about purchasing options?

Firstly, we need to understand the principle of shielding boxes. Let's take a look at the introduction in Baidu Zhili, which is more intuitive. The picture was a bit small, so I directly took it off: "A shielding box is a metal body made of conductive or magnetic materials with various shapes such as shells, plates, and sleeves, which limits electromagnetic capabilities to a certain spatial range and is used to suppress radiation interference. It also processes conduction and radiation to provide a non-interference testing environment for the tested wireless communication equipment.

Here are some basic requirements for purchasin

1. The woking size of the shielding box, which is related to the internal size of the material cost, will also vary in price. 2. The working mode of the shielding box: pneumatic, manual, and fully automatic. Then, the side door or up and down door opening modes should be carefully selected according to your needs. 3. The filtering interface form of the shielding box: such as RJ45, DC, USB, DB9, DB25, VGA, AC, etc., and the quantity requirements must also be confirmed clearly. 4. Test frequency band: Different test frequency bands use different isolation methods, which must be clearly defined. 5. What are the isolation requirements, such as 433MHZ, 700MHZ, 900MHZ, 1.8GHZ, 2.4GHZ, etc.? Now our isolation level has reached the highest level and meets the 5G requirement. 6. Either it's recommended by the manufacturer, or it's just customized. Say your needs and hand them over to the production company, and then wait for a solution.